Friday, November 5, 2010

Then November comes...

The days, with their white-gray skies and scraggly branches, blend into one another. November is here, has been here... amazing.

October went out with a bang, naturally, since I spent it in Athens! The Court Street shenanigans felt dull this year. Perhaps after five years in Athens, I've finally had enough. I've never really enjoyed crowds and I hate objectification, so it makes sense that I'd feel a little uncomfortable in the Court Street masses of bare flesh and drunken stupor. I spent most of my time holed up in my friends' house, enjoying good company, good music, and precious moments of relaxation.

Leaving would have been unbearable except that Rosie and Lynx were waiting to greet me. There's nothing quite like a slobbery smile and a mischievous wink to meet one at the door.

Here are some Halloween pictures:
my mask

Me in my fairy costume with my friend Mr. Owl

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